Thursday, July 3, 2008

The basement is 99% finished! Woohooo!!!!

We just doubled the size of our house! Can I just tell you how amazing that is!!! This is our luxurious Family room with our couch from our favorite furniture store,, and our lovely curtains from ebay. Hooorayy!! We also have a playroom, a guest bedroom for all you Boise folks, an office, and an excersize room/(jill's office). Plus... and we also have (drum roll please)... four, new, very large closets!!! YAY!!! I have had to shove all of our stuff in one little area of the basement that we have left for storage and everything else has been just sitting around. I was about to go crazy. Burke's office has been our kitchen table. Our closet is stacked full of electric guitairs, subwoofers, computer printers, speakers, and a bunch of other man stuff that I can now throw in Burke's office. Yippeee. The kids love the basement. They have their own playroom with their own TV which has been playing Monsters inc. for the past week straight. They go in there and play together and I don't hear from them for like half an hour. And last but not least... it's nice and cool down there. So... new things to announce....
Tess is walking!!!
I cut 9 inches off of my hair!!
Mason is still not potty trained.
And I think that just about sums up new announcements.

So today I gave Tessa a chocolate chip cookie and didn't break it up into little pieces like I usually do. I ran outside for a sec and when I came back... This is what greeted me. She is so freaking cute! Even with chocolate smooshed into her eyebrows.

Do you see those chubby cheeks! I could just eat her right up!!!


Stephers said...

Super cute. I love the basement, sorry we haven't been over to see it yet, but what I can see from the pictures, it is AWESOME!
I like the new background as well, isn't it fun to change things up?
Tess is darling, they love to get messy. That is awesome that she is walking, has it really been that long since we were together?
Love you guys, can't wait to see you soon.

Trish said...

Your basement is BEAUTIFUL!! Don't you love having one especially on these HOT days we are having. I miss my basement in our last home.

Katie said...

Jill- your basement looks so good! How awesome to have double the space now. Your kids are so cute! I can't believe Tessa is walking!

Stephers said...

OK, so funny, this is the same background that my sister Stacey chose for her site, she just changed it a few days ago. But I like it :)

Rakelle said...

Jill - Your basement looks so great! I didn't know it was done already. And Tess, I can't believe how grown up she has gotten! Such cute pictures! I can't wait to see you guys in August!

angie said...

awesome basement!! I understand all your excitment- especially the closets! I'm so happy for you- I can't wait to see your little girl walking- no way!