Monday, October 20, 2008

Mormon Mom's go wild in NYC!

So... One of my cute high school friends has a girl in her ward that has her own company taking tour groups all over the country. She decided that she would put together a tour of NYC for herself and a group of friends and lucky me... I got to got too.

Last Wednesday, I and 25 other Mormon mommies got on a plane to New York. Holy crap it was fun! Although it was sad leaving my babies, I loved being just Jill again instead of Wife or Mommy.

Here we are on the red-eye. Our flight left at 12:01 am Thursday morning. (check out the crusty girl in the row behind us I'm sure she was very happy we were taking pictures at like 4:00 in the AM.)
Off the plane, drop our bags at the hotel and put on some comfy shoes because today we walk and walk and walk. Here we are at a taping of the today show in rockafeller center.This is a really cool Cathedral we saw but I can't remember the name.
Sitting in the Garden on the roof at the Trump Tower. After our tour of Tiffany's

Me and Lego Chubacca at FAO Schwartz. such an awesome place! I wished I had my kids with me for... well okay... only a split second, then I was glad I didn't have to wrestle with them for once while I was out on the town. (for some reason other people couldn't take a picture that wasn't blurry)Central Park. Ahhhh. It's beautiful, especially in the fall.It was a really warm but rainy and muggy day. You can tell from my fuzzy triangle head hairThe sexy Woods Cross Wildcats reunited!

After hours and hours of walking fifth ave, we were basically completely worn out (remember we still haven't slept because we took the red-eye.) So we decided to head back to the hotel and change. Then we got lost in the subway system but finally made it to.... Drum roll please.... WICKED!

Oh my holy crap. The singing was fabulous. Unfortuntely after so many hours without sleep and hours and hours and miles and miles of walking, I couldn't keep my freakin' eyes open. I kept waking up after doing a full body jerk as my head fell on my neighbor. I tried and tried to stay awake though. I really loved it. Elphaba the wicked witch had the most beautiful voice I had ever heard. I could listen to her sing all day every day. I can't even explain to you how fabulous it was. WOW!


Stephers said...

So glad you guys had fun. You totally deserved it. You work so hard and it was time you had time to just play! Love the pictures.. sexy ladies.

Tara Bennett said...

I'm so jealous! New York is one of my favorite vacation spots - and in the fall - to see Wicked!?!? So jealous, but I'm glad you had fun! I love that pic of you at Central Park - too cute.

3 Men & a Lady said...

SO FUN!!!! That is awesome that you got to go on a girls trip like that... to NYC! NY is incredible and there is so much to do! I love the pic of you in Central Park in front of those gorgeous fall leaves. I bet it is so pretty right now. I have to agree that Wicked is AWESOME!!!! Oh, and how can you possibly look that cute at 4:00 in the morning???? :)

Amy said...

I am not an envious person. I have no problem keeping that commandment, but you may have just made me sin. Not only am I dying to see Wicked, but I have a little crush on Matt Lauer! I watch the Today Show EVERY morning because I love all the stories and people on the show. You are a lucky gal!

Design Fam said...

Wow babe that seems like it was so much fun I am so happy for you that you got to get away. I missed my bff though...gone to long. Seems like it was fun. I tried to call today but I know you were busy blogging it looks like wow good job on your blog. nice. miss u !! love you

Annie said...

How FUN!! Every mommy needs a weekend away just for themselves. You look too cute!

Cristy said...

sounds like you had an amazing time! I am jealous. I want to see Wicked so bad. I hope to see it here in SLC but it won't compare to NYC Broadway. I can't believe you kept falling asleep, that is so funny! You look fab in all the pics by the way! See you Saturday.