Tuesday, March 17, 2009


For the past couple of weeks, I keep telling Burke that I think Tessa is counting. I was so suprised when I realized this because she is like Mason and is not much of a talker. She can say a few words but they are rare and far between. But I started noticing that her baby babble sounded a whole lot like counting. Then in church on Sunday, Burke saw it too. I managed to get it on film. Now I know it sounds like baby babble, but listen closely and you'll hear it too!

I was trying to get her to do it again when Daddy walked in the door. I thought it was so cute to catch her reaction on film. She loves her daddy and was so excited to see him come home!


Amy said...

This was so cute to see! She is a little smarty pants! I'm sure it has to do with you being such a good mommy!

Haylee said...

she is soo funny and cute! I loved it when she saw her daddy:)

Stephers said...

I cannot believe she can do that already. So glad we got to see it in person. LOVE HER! Thanks for playing today, sorry I took off fast, it was just easier to throw them in the car and cruise before they could fuss too much. Love ya.

Bodell Family said...

Jill she is just so cute, I love this age, it is so fun!

The Evans said...

Jill that is so cute, Stella did the same thing and everyone did not believe me. I can hear her counting. that is adorable.