Monday, August 24, 2009

Tessa turns two!!

I'm way behind on blogging lately. I have been really busy and really really sick the past few weeks (we are expecting #3), so I'm really behind on my little blog/journal.

Tessa turned two almost a month ago! She is such a funny little crazy girl. She is a total diva and has multiple tantrums everyday. But, sometimes it's hard not to laugh at her. She throws herself on the ground and kicks her feet, she throws things and yells. It is just so over the top its ridiculus. But 90% of the time she is happy and funny and quirky and cracks us all up all the time. She loves to try to tackle and tickle Mason. She loves to dance. She trys to sing along with all of the tv shows she watches. She likes to play "this little piggy went to market" with her own little toes in the highest, squeeky voice. She thinks just about everything is funny, especially when her mom yells at her. She just looks at me and laughs with her squinty little eyes. Now... at two years old... I just have to say she is my bundle of joy. She brings fun and laughter into our family and we love her so much!

Okay... so I can't get it to embed, but go to this link and check out Tessa's birthday video.