Monday, March 10, 2008

Swimming with the Family

Hey all!

We are all a pack of sickies here in the Shields home. I have absolutely no voice whatsoever, Tess and Mason have a constant stream running from each nostril, (ewww!) Burke is starting to get a sore throat so he thought he would stay in bed today. (Men are such wusses!) So I'm running around trying to get stuff done and Mason is lifting Tess by the feet so her face is smooshing into the carpet and I yell MASON!! LEAVE YOUR SISTER ALONE! but all that comes out is a MA... and the rest is just a whisper. For some reason Mason thinks it is funny and whispers back a bunch of jibberish and laughs. But at least he lets go of her feet and she plops back down onto her tummy.

So... The real point to my posting is that we went swimming for family night a couple weeks ago and I wanted to post some pics of my sweet little baby in her swimsuit debut. Sports Illustrated look out!
I don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful girl in a swimsuit!!
And... check out this happy boy and his Daddy! Man...... it just makes me smile to look at my cute men.

Sorry folks... but unfortunately there will be no pics of me in my swimsuit. Tune in for further opportunities this summer. (or not.)


Stephers said...

Super Cute! I miss you guys, sorry I haven't called you back after you left your message. I couldn't tell who it was a first since your voice is gone, pretty funny! Not really, but the message was hilarious. I hope you all get better soon, we want to have you all over to see the new house. Love ya lots!

Katie said...

Jill- Your little family is so cute! Tessa is awesome in her suit! We have been near death here as well. It is time for summer~ Send me your email!

angie said...

Hey Jill- it was so fun to see you at Grandma Wright's today. YOu are so beautiful and your kids are so cute! I liked reading your blog. I got all choked up reading about every day being the same- I feel exactly the same way about everything you said. I have had 12 years of those repetitive mom days now- and I still wouldn't want to be doing anything else. here's the link to my blog if you want to check it out- love to you!

Rakelle said...

Jill - I'm so happy for your new found freedom! It is so nice to get to that moment when they can entertain themselves for a while. Hooray! Tessa looks so cute in her swimsuit! I didn't even know she could sit up yet, and there she is! We can't wait to see you all this weekend :)