Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Is summer ever coming?

I have summer fever so so bad! Today was my scouting wednesday. (I am a cubscout leader. um... much more work then I thought when I accepted the calling. not that I'm complaning. It's just a simple fact that ten 9 year olds in my living room for an hour every week can be ...uh... the very least.) My scouts and I were going to race our veggie cars today. (cars made from cucumbers) but hello! MAJOR SNOWSTORM! omigosh.. I am going nuts!!! But things are looking up. The weatherman assures me that there will be nice weather next week... finally... And my blog with it's blah brown background and drab music was starting to depress me. Fine for January but not acceptable for April, so I mixed things up. I like these twinkle twinkle stars. It reminded me of warm summer nights which are on their way. It made me smile. I hope you all are smiling tonight too.


Stephers said...

SUPER FLASHY BACKGROUND! I jumped when it came up, totally not expected, but I love it!
So weird how the State is so different on weather, we didn't see any snow this week.
Glad I am no longer in scouts, it was CRAZY, hang in there, YOU ARE AWESOME!

Katie said...

Jill- In our primary they told us you have to have 2 leaders for each group of boys. Are you by yourself?