Friday, April 11, 2008

Weekend in Boise

Last weekend we go to spend the weekend in Boise with the Shields fam. It was great. We got to see Makayla kick some bootay in her soccor game. She scored 3 of the 6 goals for her team. She has skills.

We got to go to a discovery kid center and hang out with the cousins. And we had a fabulous family dinner on Sunday. Then the long and horrible drive home with both Tess and Mason crying about three hours straight. Burke and I decided that it might be a little while before we make the trip again. But in spite of the drive, it was great to see the family and we got to say happy birthday to Sallie.

We didn't get to see much of conference though and I'm watching it right now on our DVR. It's awesome. Can I just say that I am stoked to have Pres. Monson lead our Church what an amazing man.
This is Tess with her newest cousin Claire who is 3 months old. And pictures of Mason in the discovery center. They had a kid size store where all the kids got to shop and work the cash registers and everything. The kids loved it.


Katie said...

Jill- It was so fun to see you while you were in Boise! I am joking I know you have to see the fam. the discovery center store is my boys favorite too.

3 Men & a Lady said...

Hey you! I was excited to see that you have a blog (I found yours through Camille's)! I can't believe how big your little Tess is! Where does the time go??? Broox is already 6 1/2 months! I think the last time I saw you was right after I had him... it's been too long! Glad to hear you're doing well. Keep in touch!

Trish said...

Jill it is so good to see you and your family. I miss seeing you. Tess and Mason have grown up so much. I am glad my mom told me you have a blog so we can stay in touch better now.