Monday, March 2, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa come to visit

I've been so busy lately I haven't had time to blog so I figured I could post twice in one day to try to catch up.

Grandma and Grandpa Shields came to stay with us this weekend. They came down for Larry Miller's funeral. Val is a executive at Chrysler so he worked closely with Larry for years. We loved having them come to play with us. The kids, as usual, loved having their pictures taken.

Saturday, while Val was at the funeral, we took the kids and met Mike, Steph, Drew, and Aiden at Kangaroo Zoo. Most of the pictures are blurry because the boys were running around so fast. They had a blast! That is the best place ever! I did get some cute pics of Tessa.The next morning we did a photo shoot of Tessa and her mad scientist hairdo. She thought it was pretty funny. I love her squinty smiley face!


Stephers said...

It really was hard to get shots of the boys, they were going 100 miles an hour. Cute Tess in the tunnel, those turned out so cute. It was really fun to visit with Sally, she is super cute and such a good grandma.